Be daring and drive innovation in communication.

Dare to be different. Innovate without apology.

Let’s shake things up. Let’s redefine the rules. Let’s make ‘em laugh, cry, and buy.

This column is a work in progress. And I love it that way.


Here’s a stellar example of impactful communication.

Buckle Up. Stay Alive.



“It’s always good to remember where we come from.” Bill Bernbach.





Communication e Copywriting lessons


Copywriting lesson #1:


Communication lesson #1


Copywriting and communication lesson #1


Communication lesson #2


Communication lesson # 3

Copywriting and communication lesson #2.

Copywriting lesson #3

Copywriting lesson #4

Communication lesson #4

Copywriter lesson #5

Copywriter lesson #6

Copywriter lesson #7

Communication lesson #5

Copywriter lesson #8